刘思宇 -pg游戏麻将胡了

 刘思宇 -pg游戏麻将胡了























1. 2021/09-至今,吉林大学,公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室,副教授

2. 2019/01-2021/09,吉林大学,公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室,讲师

3. 2019/01-2020/12,吉林大学,公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室,博士后,合作导师:刘雅文


1. 吉林大学,励新优秀青年教师培养计划,2022-012024-1218万,在研,主持

2. 吉林省教育厅,科学研究项目,jjkh20220964kj,带有梯度项的非线性方程边值问题解的存在性研究,2022.01-2023.122.5万,在研,参加

3. 吉林大学,第七届吉林大学青年师生交叉学科培育项目,二等,基于数据-机理融合建模的传染病预测预警及防控策略研究,2021-062023-062万元,在研,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,12171196,脉冲微分方程周期解及其应用,2022-012025-1251万元,在研,参加

5. 吉林省科技厅,联合基金项目,20210101481jc,新冠肺炎与季节性流感叠加的防控动力学分析,2021-012023-1228万元,在研,参加

6. 吉林省教育厅,科学研究规划项目,jjkh20200933kj,   数据驱动下的吉林省结核病动力学分析及防控策略研究,2020-012021-125万元,结题,主持(优秀结题)

7. 国家自然科学基金委,青年项目,11901234,多阶段混合疫苗策略在耐药结核中的动力学研究,2020-012022-1225万元,在研,主持

8. 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,81973120mpo的氧化能力与涉及cys残基错义突变的apoe基因多态性的交互作用与高血压严重程度的关联和机制研究,2020-012023-1255万元,在研,参加

9. 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,11871242,强不定变分理论在非线性dirac方程中的应用,2019-012022-1253万元,在研,参加

10. 吉林省科技厅,优秀青年人才基金项目,20190103027jhmckean-vlasov随机微分方程的稳定性,2019-012020-127万元,结题,参加

11. 吉林省科技厅,学科布局项目,20180101221jc,二阶有理差分方程理论及其应用,2018-012020-1215万元,结题,参加

12. 吉林省科技厅,科技发展计划项目,20180101220jc,二阶牛顿运动方程的旋转周期解理论与应用,2018-012020-12,15万元,结题,参加




1. siyu   liu;   yong li; yingjie bi; qingdao huang*; mixed vaccination strategy for the   control of tuberculosis:a case study in china, mathematical biosciences and engineering, 2017,14(3):695-708.

2. siyu   liu;   xue yang; yingjie bi; yong li*; dynamic behavior and optimal scheduling for   mixed vaccination strategy with temporary immunity, discrete & continuous dynamical systems-b, 2019,   4(4):1469-1483.

3. yingjie   bi; siyu liu; yong li*; periodic   solutions of differential-algebraic equations, discrete & continuous dynamical systems-b, 2020,   25(4):1383-1395.

4. wenhe   wang; chunyan ji; yingjie bi; siyu   liu*; stability and asymptoticity of stochastic epidemic model with   interim immune class and independent perturbations, applied mathematics letters, 2020, 104:106245.

5. jiwei   jia; jian ding; siyu liu*; guidong   liao; jingzhi li; ben duan; guoqing wang; ran zhang; modeling the control of   covid-19: impact of policy interventions and meteorological factors, electronic journal of differential   equations, 2020,2020(23):1-24.

6. siyu liu; yingjie bi; yawen   liu*; modeling and dynamic analysis of tuberculosis in mainland china from   1998 to 2017: the effect of dots strategy and further control, theoretical biology and medical modelling,   2020, 17:6.

7. siyu liu; mingwang shen;   yingjie bi*; global asymptotic behavior for mixed vaccination strategy in a   delayed epidemic model with interim-immune, mathematical biosciences and engineering, 2020, 17(4):3601-3617.

8. jiwei   jia; siyu liu*; jian ding; guidong   liao; lihua zhang,; ran zhang; the impact of multilateral imported cases of   covid-19 on the epidemic control in china, communications in mathematical research, 2020, 36(3):320-335.

9. 贾继伟;刘思宇;丁尖;廖桂东;魏元鸿;张然*;基于脉冲微分方程的covid-19境外输入型病例对我国疫情防控影响的分析,《中国科学:数学》(中文版)202151卷第4期,659-672

10. kexin   li; tianyu feng; lijuan wang; yang chen; pingping zheng; pan pan; min wang;   isaac t. s. binnay; yingshuang wang; ruiyu chai; siyu liu; bo li; yan yao*; causal associations of waist   circumference and waist-to-hip ratio with type ii diabetes mellitus: new   evidence from mendelian randomization, molecular   genetics and genomics, 2021,296: 605-613

11. tianyu   feng; helin sun; he zhang; mengzi sun; yudan wang; chong sun; kexin li;   yingshuang wang; ruiyu chai; pingping zheng; yang chen; pan pan; chunli bi;   yulong zhang; yan yao; siyu liu*;   epidemiological study on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2   virus transmission network in northeast china, medicine, 2021, 100: 26

12. jikang   shi; siyu liu; yanbo guo; sainan liu; lingfeng   pan; yueyang hu; yawen liu*; yi cheng*; association between enosrs 1799983   polymorphism and hypertension: a meta-analysis involving 14,185 cases and   13,407 controls, bmc cardiovascular   disorders, 2021, 21: 385

13. jikang   shi; yaxuan ren; sainan liu; qian zhao; fei kong; yanbo guo; jiayi xu; siyu liu; yichun qiao; yong li;   yunkai liu; yawen liu*; yi cheng*; cirulating mir-3656 induces human   umbilical veinendothelial cell injury by targeting enos and adamts13: a novel   biomarker for hypertension, journal of   hypertension, 2021, 39: 1

14. linhua zhou; xinmiao rong; meng fan; liu yang; huidi chu; ling xue;   guorong hu; siyu liu; zhijun zeng;   ming chen; wei sun; jiamin liu; yawen liu; shishen wang; huaiping zhu;   modeling and evaluation of the joint prevention and control mechanism for   curbing covid-19 in wuhan, bulletin of   mathematical biology, 2022, 84(2):28.

15. jikang shi; yanbo guo; zhen li; zhuoshuai liang; lingfeng pan; yang   yu; wenfei zhu; aiyu shao; wenjun chen; chao gao; siyu liu; yawen liu* and yi cheng*; sociodemographic and   behavioral infuences on multimorbidity among adult residents of northeastern   china, bmc public health , 2022, 22:342.

16. yongle   hao; siyu liu*; lin wang;   numerical solutions for helmholtz equation with stochastic interface based on   pml method, journal of computational   and applied mathematics, 2022, 404: 113877.

17. xuecan guo†, ruiyu chai†, yan yao, yanbiao mi,   yingshuang wang, tianyu feng,junwei tian, bocheng shi, jiwei jia*; siyu liu*; comprehensive analysis of the   covid-19: based on the social-related indexes from numbeo, frontiers in public health, 2022,   793176.

18. yiyou pang; shuai wang* and siyu   liu; dynamics analysis of stage-structured wild and sterile mosquito   interaction impulsive model, journal of biological dynamics, 2022, 16(1):464-479.

19. yabo fang; jiwei jia; jingzhi li*; siyu liu*; analysis   of public information demand during the covid-19 pandemic based on four-stage   crisis model, frontiers in pysics,   2022, 964142.

20. yinpei guo; bo li; tonghua duan; nan yao; han wang; yixue yang;   shoumeng yan; mengzi sun; ling wang; yan yao; yuchen sun; jiwei jia*; siyu liu*; a panel regression   analysis for the covid-19 epidemic in the united states, plos one,   2022, 17(8):30273344.


1. 2019年吉林省运筹学会优秀论文二等奖

2. 202112月指导教师 2021年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛(本科组)吉林赛区一等奖(谭子豪 许惠东   咸丰) 三等奖(王雨夕 满亚荣 万娟新)


吉林省运筹学会   理事

吉林省工业与应用数学学会  理事

中国老年保健医学研究会  委员

吉林大学青年科技工作者协会 会员





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