学术论文: |
1.王洪伟,郝英男,贺强,吕志征,王春宇,陈冲,冯威,陈大伟.基于iec标准对医用电子直线加速器防护性能检测与分析.中国辐射卫生,2017,26(01):9-13. 2.吕志征,贺强,王洪伟,陈冲,付佳兴,陈大伟.某医院核医学科pet/ct中心放射防护分析.中国辐射卫生,2016,25(01):76-78. 3.魏澜波,潘润铎,陈大伟,侯林平,贺强*.15mv医用电子加速器机房放射防护设计研究.中国医疗设备,2013,28(01):108-110 4.wang, haizhu; he, qiang; yao, bin. .metallurgical and materials transactions b-processing metallurgy and materials processing science 2012,43: 1574-1578. 5. leilei zhang,qingjun zhou, qiang he,tianmin he*,double-perovskites a2femoo6-δ(a=ca,sr,ba)as anodes for solid oxide fuel cells, journal of power sources,2010,195:6356-6366. 6.q.he, h.z.wang, g.h.wen, y.sun, b.yao*. formation and properties of baxfe3-x with spinel structure by mechanochemical reaction of α–fe2o3 and baco3 journal of alloys and compounds 486(2009)246-249. 7.qingjun zhou, tianmin he*,,qiang he,yuan ji, electrochemical performances of labacufeo5-x and labacucoo5-x as potential cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, electrochemistry communications,2009,11:80-83. 8.shuo yang,tianmin he*,qiang he. sm0.5sr0.5coo3 cathode material from glycine-nitrate process:formation,characterization,and application in lagao3-based solid oxide fuel cells,journal of alloys and compounds, 2008,450:400-404 |