










email jwang0723@jlu.edu.cn



















1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,2021-12024-12,在研,负责人

2. 吉林省科学技术厅,吉林省科技发展计划项目(重点研发),2020-12023-12,在研,负责人

3. 吉林省卫生与健康委员会,吉林省卫生与健康青年科技骨干培养计划,2020-12022-12,在研,负责人

4. 吉林省教育厅,吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术项目,2018-12019-12,已结题,负责人

5. 国家自然基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2017-12019-12,已结题,负责人

6. 吉林省科学技术厅,青年科研基金项目,2016-12018-12,已结题,负责人

7. 吉林大学,吉林大学杰出 (优秀) 青年培育计划,2021-12022-12,在研,负责人

8. 吉林大学,优秀青年教师培养计划(重点培养阶段),2020-12022-12,在研,负责人



[1] yuanyuan guo,   yan zheng, yajuan liu, xiaopeng feng, qinghai dong, juan li*, juan wang*, chao zhao*. a concise   detection strategy of staphylococcus aureus using n-succinyl-chitosan-dopped   bacteria-imprinted composite film and aie fluorescence sensor. journal of   hazardous materials, 2022, 423, 126934. 中科院jcr1

[2] hang li, xuechen wang,   shengnan wei, chao zhao, xiuling song, kun xu, juan li*, bo pang*, juan wang*. applications of hybridization chain   reaction optical detection incorporating nanomaterials: a review. analytica chimica acta, 2022, 1190, 338930. 中科院jcr1

[3] xuechen wang, yushen liu, xuening shi, huisi   chen, chao zhao, juan li*, juan wang*. colorimetric   determination of listeria monocytogenes using aptamer and urease dual-labeled   magnetic nanoparticles and cucurbit[7] uril-mediated supramolecular assembly   of gold nanoparticle. mikrochim acta, 2021, 189(1), 41. 中科院jcr2

[4] shuoyao, bopang, yanlifu, xiulingsong,   kunxu, juanli*, juanwang*, chaozhao*. multiplex   detection of foodborne pathogens using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,   magnetic separation and metal nanoclusters-mediated signal amplification. sensors and   actuators b: chemical, 2022, 359, 131581. 中科院jcr1

[5] wei zhao*, xin li, xuening shi, kewei li, ben   shi, jingyu sun, chao zhao, juan wang*.   whole genome sequencing, antibiotic resistance, and epidemiology features of   nontyphoidal salmonella isolated from diarrheic children: evidence from north   china. front microbiol, 2022, 13, 882647. 中科院jcr2

[6] xuening shi, hongbin   sun, hang li, shengnan wei, jin jin, chao zhao, juan wang*, hui li*. preparation of igy oriented conjugated fe3o4 mnps as   immunomagnetic nanoprobe for increasing enrichment efficiency of   staphylococcus aureus based on adjusting the ph of the solution system. front public health, 2022, 10, 865828.  中科院jcr3

[7] xuechen wang#, shengnan wei#, chao zhao, xin li, jin jin, xuening   shi, zhenyue su, juan li*, juan wang*.   promising application of polyoxometalates in the treatment of cancer,   infectious diseases and alzheimer's disease. j biol inorg chem, 2022, 27(4-5),   405-419. 中科院jcr2

[8] jing zhang, juan wang, jin jin, xin li, huiling   zhang, xuening shi, chao zhao*. prevalence, antibiotic resistance, and   enterotoxin genes of staphylococcus aureus isolated from milk and dairy   products worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis. food research   international, 2022,  162(part a), 111969.    中科院jcr1

[9] shuo yao,   chao zhao, mingyu shang*, juan li*, juan   wang*. enzyme-free and label-free detection of staphylococcus aureus   based on target-inhibited fluorescence signal recovery. food and chemical   toxicology, 2021,150, 112071. 中科院jcr1

[10] huiwen   zhang#, yushen liu#, shuo yao, mingyu shang, chao zhao,   juan li*, juan   wang*. a multicolor sensing system for simultaneous detection of four   foodborne pathogenic bacteria based on fe3o4/mno2 nanocomposites and the   etching of gold nanorods. food and chemical toxicology, 2021,149, 112035. 中科院jcr1

[11] yuanyuan   guo, juan li,* xiuling song, kun xu, juan   wang,* and chao zhao. label-free detection of staphylococcus aureus based   on bacteria imprinted polymer and turn-on fluorescence probes. acs applied bio   materials, 2021, 4, 1, 420-427.

[12] shengnan   wei, juan li*, jingya he, wei zhao, feng wang, xiuling song, kun xu, juan wang*, chao zhao*. paper   chip-based colorimetric assay for detection of salmonella typhimurium by   combining aptamer-modified fe3o4@ag nanoprobes and urease activity   inhibition. microchimica acta, 2020, 187, 554. 中科院jcr2

[13] shuo yao,   juan li, bo pang, xuechen wang, yujie shi, xiuling song, kun xu, juan wang*, chao zhao*. colorimetric   immunoassay for rapid detection of staphylococcus aureus based on   etching-enhanced peroxidase-like catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles.   microchimica acta, 2020, 187, 504. 中科院jcr2

[14] shengnan   wei#, xuechen wang#, bo pang, hang li, xuening shi,   chao zhao, juan li*, juan wang*. analyte-triggered autoacceleration of   4-mercaptophenylboronic acid-mediated aggregation of silver nanoparticles for   facile and one-step ratiometric colorimetric method for detection of ascorbic   acid. microchemical journal, 2020, 158, 105122. 中科院jcr2

[15] yuanyuan   guo#, chao zhao#, yushen liu,   heran nie, xiaoxiao guo, xiuling song, kun xu, juan li*, juan wang*. a novel fluorescence method for the rapid and   effective detection of listeria monocytogenes using aptamer-conjugated   magnetic nanoparticles and aggregation-induced emission dots. analyst, 2020,   145, 3857-3863. 中科院jcr2

[16] yushen   liu#, chao zhao#, wei zhao,   huiwen zhang, shuo yao, yujie shi, juan li, juan wang*, multi-functional mno2-doped fe3o4 nanoparticles as an   artificial enzyme for the colorimetric detection of bacteria. analytical and   bioanalytical chemistry, 2020, 412, 3135-3140. 中科院jcr2

[17] shuo yao#, chao zhao#, yushen liu,   heran nie, gaolei xi, xiaolian cao, zhuolin li, bo pang, juan li*, juan wang*. colorimetric immunoassay   for the detection of staphylococcus aureus by using magnetic carbon dots and   sliver nanoclusters as o-phenylenediamine-oxidase mimetics. food analytical   methods, 2020, 13: 833-838. 中科院jcr2

[18] wei nie#, chao zhao#,   xiaoxiao guo, liwei sun, tingyu meng, yushen liu, xiuling song, kun xu, juan   wang*, juan li. preparation and identification of chicken egg yolk immunoglobulins   against human enterovirus 71 for diagnosis of hand-foot-and-mouth disease.   analytical biochemistry, 2019, 573: 44-50

[19] yushen liu#, juan wang#, chao zhao#, xiaoxiao   guo, xiuling song, wei zhao, sijie liu, kun xu*, juan li. a multicolorimetric   assay for rapid detection of listeria monocytogenes based on the etching of   gold nanorods. analytica chimica acta, 2019, 1048: 154-160. 中科院jcr1

[20] kaiyue fu#, yan zheng#, juan li, yushen liu,   bo pang, xiuling song, kun xu, juan   wang*, chao zhao*. colorimetric immunoassay for rapid detection of vibrio   parahemolyticus based on mn2 mediates the assembly of gold nanoparticles.   journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2018, 66: 9516-9521.中科院jcr1

[21] yushen liu#, juan   wang#, xiuling song, kun xu, huisi chen, chao zhao*, juan li*.   colorimetric immunoassay for listeria monocytogenes by using core gold   nanoparticles, silver nanoclusters as oxidase mimetics, and   aptamer-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles. microchimica acta, 2018, 185: 360.中科院jcr2

[22] yushen liu#, chao zhao#, xiuling song, kun   xu, juan wang*, juan li*,   colorimetric immunoassay for rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.   microchimica acta, 2017, 184(12): 4785-4792.中科院jcr2

[23] yushen liu#, chao zhao#, kaiyue fu, xiuling   song, kun xu, juan wang*, juan   li*. selective turn-on fluorescence detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in   food based on charge-transfer between cdse/zns quantum dots and gold   nanoparticles. food control, 2017, 80: 380-387.中科院jcr1

[24] xiaofeng qu, kun xu, chao zhao, xiuling song, jinhua li, li li, wei nie,   hao bao, juan wang*, fenglan niu, juan li. genotoxicity and acute and subchronic toxicity studies of a bioactive   polyoxometalate in wistar rats. bmc pharmacology and toxicology, 2017, 18,   26.

[25] wanfei li#, juan wang#, jingjie zhang, xun song, chuenfai ku, juan   zou, jixin li, li jun rong, lu tai pan*, hong jie zhang*. henrin a: a new   anti-hiv ent-kaurane diterpene from pteris henryi. international journal of   molecular sciences, 2015, 16(11), 27978-27987.

[26] juan wang, yang liu,   kun xu, yanfei qi, jun zhong, kai zhang, juan li*, enbo wang, ziyu wu,   zhenhui kang*. broad-spectrum antiviral property of polyoxometalate localized   on cell surface. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2014, 6(12), 9785-   9789. 中科院jcr1

[27] juan wang#, xiaofeng qu#,   yanfei qi, jinhua li, xiuling song, li li, dehui yin, kun xu*, juan li*. pharmacokinetics   of anti-hbv polyoxometalate in rats. plos one, 2014, 9(6), e98292.

[28] juan wang#, han cheng#,   kiira ratia, elizabeth varhegyi, william g. hendrickson, juan li*, lijun   rong*. a comparative high-throughput screening protocol to identify entry   inhibitors of enveloped viruses. journal of biomolecular screening, 2014,   19(1), 100-107.

[29] yue qi#,   yu xiang#, juan wang#,   yanfei qi, juan li*, junqi niu*, jin   zhong*, inhibition of hepatitis c virus infection by polyoxometalates,   antiviral research, 2013, 100(2), 392-398.中科院jcr2


1. 《公共卫生辅助服务员指导手册》 编者

2. textbook   of preventive medicine 预防医学(英文改编版)》 编委


1. 吉林大学第四届中青年教师双语教学大赛,三等奖

2. 吉林大学“第九届青年教师教学水平大赛,三等奖

3. 吉林大学公共卫生学院第十届青年教师讲课比赛,二等奖

4. 2015年吉林省优秀博士学位论文

5. 王娟(4/8),多酸化合物抗病毒的作用研究,吉林省科技厅,吉林省自然科学奖,二等奖,2016

6. 第十届中国大学生医学技术技能大赛预防医学专业赛道总决赛铜奖(指导教师)

7. 吉林省“互联网公共卫生大学生创新创业大赛 (创业组) 一等奖(指导教师)


国家自然科学基金委评议人、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心论文评审专家、中国疫苗行业协会标准化工作委员会委员、中国老年保健医学研究会老年营养健康分会委员、吉林省微生物学会理事,《中华疾病控制》青年编委,《analytical chemistry》、《analyst》等10余本杂志审稿人。





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