

















2000.09——2004.07 东北师范大学,




2011.07——2015.09 吉林大学,公共卫生学院,讲师

2019.08——2020.08 美国哈佛大学医学院&布列根妇女医院,访问学者



1. 2014.01-2016.12,精神分裂症数据的统计方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,22万,主持

2. 2017.01-2018.12,慢性病危险因素分析中基于结构信息的统计方法研究,吉林省科技厅优秀青年人才基金项目,8万,主持

3. 2017.09-2020.09,吉林大学励新优秀青年教师培养计划,18万,主持

4. 2018.01-2020.12,常见慢性病及其共病危险因素的统计方法研究,吉林省科技厅自然科学基金(学科布局项目),15万,主持

5. 2011.01-2013.12,多维表型变量遗传数据的统计分析方法,国家自然科学基金,16万,参加

6. 2012.01-2013.12,长春地区疾病谱现状调查与分析(子项目),吉林省卫生厅重大项目, 20万,参加

7. 2012.01-2014.12,图回归模型的可压缩性和分解性研究,国家自然科学基金,22万,参加

8. 2016.01-2019.12hdl偏低人群循环mirna差异表达与原发性高血压关系及其机制研究,国家自然科学基金,60万,参加

9. 2016.01-2019.12,基于结构信息和多平台数据的机器学习方法研究,国家自然科学基金,59万,参加

10. 2018.05-2021.12,基于利益分析的医疗卫生人力资源下沉基层的动因及路径研究,教育部人文社会科学基金,参加


1. jin l,   zhu w, guo j. genome-wide association studies using haplotype clustering with   a new haplotype similarity. genet   epidemiol. 2010; 34: 633-41. doi:0.1002/gepi.20521. pubmed pmid: 20718046

2. jin l,   zhu w, yu y, kou c, meng x, tao y*, guo j*. nonparametric tests of associations with   disease based on u-statistics. ann hum   genet. 2014; 78: 141-53. doi:10.1111/ahg.12049. pubmed pmid: 24328673

3. wang x, jin l*, cui j, ma k, chen x, li w*. mouse double   minute- 2 homolog (mdm2) – rs2279744 polymorphism associated with lung cancer   risk in a northeastern chinese population. thorac cancer. 2015; 6(1): 91-6. doi:10.1111/1759-7714.12153. pubmed pmid: 26273341

4. wang x, ma k, cui j, xiao   chen, jin l*, wei li*. an individual   risk prediction model for lung cancer based on a study in a chinese   population. tumori. 2015; 101(1):   16-23. doi:10.5301/tj.5000205.   pubmed pmid: 25702657

5. yu j, ma y, yang s, pang k,   yu y, tao y*, jin l*. risk factors for cardiovascular disease   and their clustering among adults in jilin (china). int j env res pub he. 2016; 13(1): 70. doi:10.3390/ijerph13010070. pubmed pmid: 26703706

6. tao y, yu j, tao y, pang h,   yu y, yu y, jin l*. comparison of the combined obesity indices to predict   cardiovascular diseases risk factors and metabolic syndrome in northeast   china. int j env res pub he. 2016;   13: 801. doi:10.3390/ijerph13080801. pubmed pmid: 27517940

7. yu j, tao y, tao y, yang s,   yu y, li b, jin l*. optimal cut-off of obesity indices to predict   cardiovascular diseases risk factors and metabolic syndrome among adults in   northeast china. bmc public health.   2016; 16: 1079. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3694-5. pubmed pmid: 27737656

8. ye j, li z, lv y, an l, yu j,   guo x, yao y, yu y, jin l*. associations of blood pressure with the   factors among adults in jilin province: a cross-sectional study using   quantile regression analysis. sci   rep-uk. 2017; 7: 13613. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14045-0. pubmed pmid: 29051578

9. guo x, shen l, dou j, lv y,   zhang a, shi f, xue z, yu y, jin l*, yao y*. associations of fasting blood glucose   with influencing factors in northeast china: a quantile regression analysis. int j env res pub he. 2017; 14: 1368.   doi:10.3390/ijerph14111368.   pubmed pmid: 29125537

10. yu j, tao y, dou j, ye j, yu   y, jin l*. the dose-response analysis between bmi and common chronic   diseases in northeast china. sci   rep-uk. 2018; 8: 4228. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-22551-y. pubmed pmid: 29523859

11. zhang a, yao y*, xue z, guo   x, dou j, lv y, shen l, yu y, jin l*. a study on the factors   influencing triglyceride levels among adults in northeast china. sci rep-uk. 2018; 8: 6388. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24230-4. pubmed pmid: 29686322

12. lv y, yao y*, ye j, guo x,   dou j, shen l, zhang a, xue z, yu y, jin l*. association of blood   pressure with fasting blood glucose levels in northeast china: a   cross-sectional study. sci rep-uk. 2018;   8: 7917. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26323-6. pubmed pmid: 29784970

13. jin l,   guo x, dou j, liu b, wang j, li j, sun m, sun c,   yu y, yao y*. multimorbidity analysis according to sex and age towards   cardiovascular diseases of adults in northeast china. sci rep-uk. 2018; 8: 8607. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25561-y. pubmed pmid: 29872063

14. ye j,   lv y, li z, yao y*, jin l*. associations of dietary patterns with hypertension   among adults in jilin province: a structural equation modeling approach. public health nutr. 2019; 22(6):   1048-55. doi:10.1017/s1368980018003129. pubmed pmid: 30587262

15. sun m, jiang y, sun c, li j,   guo x, lv y, yu y, yao y*, jin l*. the associations between smoking   and obesity in northeast china: a quantile regression analysis. sci rep-uk. 2019; 9: 3732.   doi:s41598-019-39425-6. pubmed pmid: 30872597

16. bi c, wang l, sun c, sun m, zheng p, xue z, shen l, pan p, li j, lv y, zhang a, li b, zhang x, yao y*, jin l*.   association between normal triglyceride and insulin resistance in us adults   without other risk factors: a cross sectional study from the us national   health and nutrition examination survey, 2007–2014. bmj open. 2019; 9: e028652. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028652. pubmed pmid: 31401596

17. sun m, wang m, sun c, zheng p, lv y, pu l, li s, yao y*, jin l*.   the cut-off value of impaired fasting glucose should be lower: based on the   associations of fasting blood glucose with blood lipids. prim care diabetes. 2019; 14(2): 147-53. doi:10.1016/j.pcd.2019.07.004.   pubmed pmid: 31405610

18. pan p, wang l, wang y, shen   l, zheng p, bi c, zhang a, lv y, xue z, sun m, sun c, li j, jin l*, yao y*. systematic   review and meta-analysis of new generation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors vs.   imatinib for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia. acta haematol-basel. 2019; 12:1-13.   doi:10.1159/000501537. pubmed pmid: 31514197

19. yang f , sun m , wang l, li s, guo x, dou j, shen l, pu l, bi c, yao y*, jin l*.   the association between blood pressure decreasing rates and survival time in   patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage. j neurol sci. 2019;   406: 116449. doi:10.1016/j.jns.2019.116449. pubmed pmid:   31654959

20. yu b, zhang x, wang c, sun m,   jin l*, liu x*. trends in   depression among adults in the united states, nhanes 2005-2016. j affect disorders. 2019; 263:   609-20.   doi:10.1016/j. jad.2019.11.036. pubmed pmid: 31744739

21. zhao   h, wang c, pan y, guo y, yao n, wang h, jin l*,   li b*. niacin, lutein and zeaxanthin and physical activity have an impact on   charlson comorbidity index using zero-inflated negative binomial regression   model: national health and nutrition examination survey 2013-2014. bmc public health. 2019; 19(1): 1589.   doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7906-7. pubmed pmid: 31779602

22. yan   s, li m, ma x, jiang s, sun m, wang c, pan y, sun c, yao y, jin l*, li b*.   association of multiple mineral and vitamin b group intake with blood glucose   using quantile regression analysis: nhanes 2007–2014. foodnutr   res. 2019; 63: 3560.   doi:10.29219/fnr.v63.3560. pubmed   pmid: 31983911

23. jiang   s, ma x, li m, yan s, zhao h, pan y, wang c, yao y, jin l*, li b*. association between dietary   mineral nutrient intake, body mass index, and waist circumference in u.s.   adults using quantile regression analysis nhanes 2007-2014. peerj. 2020; 8: e9127.   doi:10.7717/peerj.9127. pubmed pmid: 32411541

24. wang   m, wang l, pu l, li k, feng t, zheng p, li s, sun m, yao y*, jin l*.   lncrnas related key pathways and genes in ischemic stroke by weighted gene   co-expression network analysis (wgcna). genomics.   2020; 112(3):   2302-08. doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.01.001. pmid: 31923616

25. pu   l, wang m, li k, feng t, zheng p, li s, yao y*, jin l*. identification   micro-rnas functional modules and genes of ischemic stroke based on weighted   gene co-expression network analysis (wgcna). genomics. 2020; 112(4): 2748-54.   doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.03. 011.   pmid: 32198065

26. yang   f, chen y, xue z, lv y, shen l, li k, zheng p, pan p, feng t, jin   l*, yao   y*. high-throughput   sequencing and exploration of the lncrna-circrna-mrna network in type 2   diabetes mellitus. biomed res int.   2020; 8162524. doi: 10.1155/2020/8162524.   pmid: 32596376

27. li   k, shen l, zheng p, wang y, wang l, meng x, lv y, xue z, guo x, zhang a, pan   p, bi c, chen y, feng t, li b, jin   l*, yao y*. identification of micrornas as potential   biomarkers for detecting ischemic stroke. genes   genomics. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s13258-021-01060-9. pmid:   33818699.

28. yang h, sun m, zhang s, wang   t, hu j, zhang x, pan y, yu b, wang m, jin l*,   zhen q*. the association of depression with use of prescription drugs in   adults with noncommunicable diseases: based on nhanes in 2005-2016. j affect disord. 2021; 288: 148-153.   doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.04.002. pmid: 33895416.

29. tong   l, pu l, guo x, sun m, guo f, zhao s, gao w, jin l*. multimorbidity   study with different levels of depression status. j affect disord. 2021; 292:30-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.039.   pmid: 34091380.

30. guo   f, wang m, guo x, pu l, sun m, li s, feng t, tong l, zhao s, gao w, lin x,   yao y*, jin l*. the association between fatty acid intake and breast   cancer based on the nhanes and mendelian randomization study. cancer epidemio. 2021; 101966. doi:   10.1016/j.canep.2021.101966

31. gao   w, tong l, zhao s, sun m, fang j, xu y, ma y*, jin l*. exposure to   cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic and uric acid levels: results from nhanes   2007-2016. biol trace elem res.   2022 jul 9. doi: 10.1007/s12011-022-03309-0. online ahead of print. pmid:   35809185

32. zhao   s , gao w , li j, sun m, fang j, tong l, he y, wang y,   zhang y, xu y, yang s*, jin l*. dietary inflammatory index and   osteoporosis: the national health and nutrition examination survey,   2017-2018. endocrine. 2022 aug 31.   doi: 10.1007/s12020-022-03178-6. online ahead of print. pmid:   36044108

33. he   y, tong l, guo f, zhao s, zhang j, guo x, tao y, lin x, jin l*.   depression status and insulin resistance in adults with obesity: a   cross-sectional study. j psychosom res.   2022 sep 29;163:111049. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.111049. online ahead   of print. pmid: 36240702

34. 王诗镔,吴燕华,侯筑林,徐洪芹,于澄,艾立哲,张晴晴,寇长贵,刘建伟,金丽娜*,于雅琴*.吉林省成年居民高血压现况调查分析.吉林大学学报(医学版),2014,40(1): 183-187.

35. feng   t , li k , zheng p, wang y, lv y, shen l, chen y, xue   z, li b, jin l,   yao y*. weighted gene coexpression   network analysis identified microrna coexpression modules and related   pathways in type 2 diabetes mellitus. oxid   med cell longev. 2019; 2019:9567641. doi:10.1155/2019/9567641. pubmed   pmid: 31915515

36. long   l, yang w, liu l, tobias dk, katagiri r, wu k, jin l,   zhang ff, luo x, liu x, ogino s, chan at, meyerhardt ja, giovannucci e, zhang   x*. dietary intake of branched-chain amino acids and survival after   colorectal cancer diagnosis. int j cancer. 2020. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33449. epub   ahead of print. pubmed pmid: 33341092.

37. yu   j, song f, li y, zheng z, jia h, sun y, jin l,   yu x*. multimorbidity analysis of 13 systemic diseases in northeast china. int j environ res public health.   2020; 17(6):1817. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17061817. pubmed pmid: 32168832.

38. si   d*, du b, ni l, yang b, sun h, jiang n, liu g, massé s, jin l, nanthakumar j, bhaskaran a,   yang p, nanthakumar k*. death, discharge and arrhythmias among patients with   covid-19 and cardiac injury. cmaj.   2020; 192(28):e791-e798. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.200879. epub 2020 jun 24. pubmed   pmid: 32586839.

39. long   l, liu x, jin l, simon t, ma w, kim mn, yang w, meyerhardt ja, chan   at, giovannucci e, zhang x. association of bowel movement frequency and   laxative use with risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in us women and men. int j cancer. 2021 oct   15;149(8):1529-1535. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33699. epub 2021 jun 4.pmid: 34028016

40. zhang   q, zhang z, jin l, wang c, zheng h, li s, yu m, si d, zhang w.   prognosis and new predictors of early left-ventricular thrombus following   st-elevation myocardial infarction. int   j gen med. 2021 nov 30;14:8991-9000. doi: 10.2147/ijgm.s343418.   ecollection 2021.pmid: 34876837

41. zhang   z, si d, zhang q, jin l, zheng h, qu m, yu m, jiang z, li d, li s,   yang p, he y, zhang w. prophylactic rivaroxaban therapy for left ventricular   thrombus after anterior st-segment elevation myocardial infarction. jacc cardiovasc interv. 2022 apr 25;   15(8):861-872. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2022.01.285. pmid: 35367170

42. luo x, yang w, joshi ad, wu   k, simon tg, yuan c, jin l, long l, kim mn, lo ch, liu x, abrams ta,   wolpin bm, chan at, giovannucci el, zhang x. gallstones and risk of cancers   of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas: a prospective study within two u.s.   cohorts. br j cancer. 2022 oct;127(6):1069-1075. doi:   10.1038/s41416-022-01877-5. epub 2022 jun 17.pmid: 35715632







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