


姓名: 刘雅文                
职务: 院长
职称: 教授
所在部门: 院领导
最后学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
所在学科专业: 流行病与卫生统计学
研究方向: 分子遗传流行病学
讲授课程: 流行病学
教育经历: 1986.09——1991.09    白求恩医科大学预防医学院环境医学专业本科生,获得医学学士学位
1991.09——1994.07    白求恩医科大学预防医学院卫生毒理学专业研究生,获得医学硕士学位
1999.09——2002.06    吉林大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学专业研究生,获得理学博士学位
工作经历: 1994.07——1996.06    白求恩医科大学预防医学院助教(1995.07)
1996.06——2001.09    白求恩医科大学预防医学院讲师
2001.09——2006.09    吉林大学公共卫生学院副教授
2006.09——2012.12    吉林大学公共卫生学院教授
(2004.01——2008.01    吉林大学基础医学流动站博士后)
(2007.01——2008.01    瑞典卡罗林斯卡大学公派访问学者)
2012.12——现在       吉林大学公共卫生学院副院长、教授
科研项目: 1. hdl偏低人群循环mirna差异表达与原发性高血压关系的研究( 81573230) 国家自然科学基金 2016-2019
2. 胼胝体投射神经元发育机制的合作研究(编号2015dfa31580) 科技部国家国际合作专项2015.4-2018.3
3. 羟基脂肪酸类雌激素受体调节物对阿尔兹海默病作用机制研究(编号20150101130jc)科技厅自然科学基金 2015.01-2017
4. 他莫昔芬抗性乳腺癌治疗中dna甲基化状态的修正策略研究(20140413016gh) 科技厅国际合作 2014-2016
5. erβ通过负性调控xbp1对抗erα阳性乳腺癌细胞增殖的机制研究(2013102009)白求恩b计划 2014-2016
6. 雌激素受体及ncoa1基因环境交互作用与2型糖尿病关系的研究(200905185) 省科技厅 2009-2011
7. 雌激素受体辅助因子foxp1调节基因表达分子机制研究 教育部留学回国人员启动基金2009-2011
8. 基因组中雌激素受体β与foxa1的dna结合位点解析及其对下游基因的调控作用(30870952) 国家自然科学基金 2009-2011
9. 雌激素受体-转录辅助因子复合体对乳腺癌细胞基因的调制研究(20080735) 省科技厅2009-2011
10. 吉林省卫生人力资源发展状况调查研究(2001i003) 省卫生厅 2011.07-2012.06
11. 雌激素受体、rip40基因与2型糖尿病易感性的关联研究(2001r009) 省卫生厅2012.01-2014.12
学术论文: 1. li r1, li w2, lun z3, zhang h4, sun z5, kanu js1, qiu s1, cheng y6, liu y7.prevalence of metabolic syndrome in mainland china: a meta-analysis of published studies. bmc public health. 2016 apr 1;16(1):296. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-2870-y.
2. yu, mx (yu, mingxi)[ 1 ] ; liu, yw (liu, yawen)[ 1 ] ; li, y (li, yong)[ 1 ] ; zhang, hp (zhang, huiping)[ 2 ] ; lu, yp (lu, yuping)[ 1 ] ; kanui, js (kanui, joseph sam)[ 1 ] ; qiao, yc (qiao, yichun)[ 1 ] ; tang, y (tang, yuan)[ 1 ] ; zhen, q (zhen, qing)[ 1 ] ; cheng, y (cheng, yi)[ 3 ]endothelial lipase gene polymorphisms are associated with serum hdl-c levels but not coronary heart disease.
3. joseph sam kanu, yulu gu, sun zhi, mingxi yu, yuping lu, yetong cong, yunkai liu, yong li, yaqin yu, yi cheng* and yawen liu*. single nucleotide polymorphism rs3774261 in the adipoq gene is associated with the risk of coronary heart disease (chd) in northeast han chinese population: a case control study. lipids health dis. 2016 jan 12;15(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s12944-015-0173-4.
4. xin zhang, yulu gu, xiaoli liu, yaqin yu, jieping shi, qiong yu, hui sun, joseph sam kanu, siyan zhan*, and yawen liu*. association of pre-mir-146a rs2910164 polymorphism with papillary thyroid cancer. int j endocrinol. 2015;2015:802562. doi: 10.1155/2015/802562. epub 2015 nov 18.
5. zhijun li ,†,  yan yao,†,  yaqin yu,  jieping shi ,  yawen liu ,  yuchun tao,  changgui kou , huiping zhang,  weiqing han ,  yutian yin ,  lingling jiang  and  bo li* , prevalence and associated factors of passive smoking among women in jilin province, china: a cross-sectional study. int j environ res public health. 2015 oct 30;12(11):13970-80. doi: 10.3390/ijerph121113970.
6. mingxi yu†, siame gilbert†, yong li, huiping zhang, yichun qiao, yuping lu, yuan tang, qing zhen, yi cheng*, yawen liu*. association of ncoa3 polymorphisms with dyslipidemia in the chinese han population. lipids health dis. 2015 oct 9;14:124. doi: 10.1186/s12944-015-0126-y
7. yuping lu, yawen liu, yong li, huiping zhang, mingxi yu, joseph sam kanu, yichun qiao, yuan tang, qing zhen, yi cheng*. association of atp-binding cassette transporter a1 gene polymorphisms with plasma lipid variability and coronary heart disease risk. int j clin exp pathol. 2015 oct 1;8(10):13441-9. ecollection 2015.
8. yuping lu#, tsadik ghebreamlak habtetsion#, yong li, huiping zhang, yichun qiao, mingxi yu, yuan tang, qing zhen, yi cheng*, yawen liu*. association of ncoa2 gene polymorphisms with obesity and dyslipidemia in the chinese han population. int j clin exp pathol. 2015;8(6):7341-7349
9. zhijun li, yan yao, weiqing han, yaqin yu, yawen liu, yuchun tao, changgui kou,lingling jiang, qing sun, yutian yin, huiping zhang  and bo li*. smoking prevalence and associated factors as well as attitudes and perceptions towards tobacco control in northeast china. int. j. environ. res. public health 2015, 12, 8606-8618.
10. dan li, zuojia liu, ye yuan, yawen liu*. fenglan niu*. green synthesis of gallic acid-coated silver nanoparticles with high antimicrobial activity and low cytotoxicity to normal cells. process biochemistry. 2015 (50) :357–366.
11. fanwang#, yawen liu#, yetong cong, pengpeng li, yong li, zhihui yan, yuan tang, yi cheng, yang zheng. shift of the interconnection from the reaction system of paraoxonase 1 to the peroxidation reaction system of myeloperoxidase with hdl-c levels: a marker of atherosclerosis in patients with normal cholesterol levels. clinica chimica acta. 2015(438): 350-370.
12. wang, s., kou, c., liu, y., li, b., tao, y., d'arcy, c., shi, j., wu, y., liu, j., zhu, y., yu, y. rural-urban differences in the prevalence of chronic disease in northeast china. asia-pacific journal of public health.2014.
13. huiping zhang, fan wang, hongqin xu, yawen liu, jin liu, hongyu zhao, joel gelernter. differentially co‑expressed genes in postmortem prefrontal cortex of individuals with alcohol use disorders: influence on alcohol metabolism‑related pathways. hum genet.2014..
14. chang wang, yaqin yu, xiangyang zhang, yong li, changgui kou, bo li, yuchun tao, qing zhen,huan he, joseph sam kanu, xufeng huang, mei han, yawen liu*. awareness, treatment, control of diabetes mellitus and the risk factors: survey results from northeast china. plos one. 2014 jul 28;9(7):e103594..
15. ying cheng, hui li, lixia ma, shuang zhang, shi yan, jing zhu, sheng wang, rui zhang, kai niu and yawen liu. detection of c-kit mutational status in small-cell lung cancer in a chinese cohort. thoracic cancer. 2014 may; 5(3): 225–231.
16. joseph sam kanu, yuan tang, yawen liu*. assessment on the knowledge and reported practices of women on maternal and child health in rural sierra leone: a cross-sectional. plos one. 2014 aug.28;9(8):e0105936
17. yulu gu,  xiaoli liu ,yaqin yu, jieping shi, lizhe ai, hui sun, joseph sam kanu, chong wang, yawen liu*. association of atm gene polymorphism with ptc metastasis in female patients. international journal of endocrinology. int j endocrinol. 2014;2014:370825. doi: 10.1155/2014/370825. epub 2014 oct 16.
18. jing wu, dan-dan wang, xin-lou li, sake j de vlas, ya-qin yu, jian zhu, ying zhang, bo wang, li yan, li-qun fang, ya-wen liu*, wu-chun cao. increasing incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome could be associated with livestock husbandry in changchun, northeastern china. bmc infect dis. 2014,14(301)
19. huan he, ya-qin yu, yong li, chang-gui kou, bo li, yu-chun tao, qing zhen, chang wang, joseph sam kanu, xu-feng huang, mei han, ya-wen liu*. dyslipidemia awareness, treatment, control and influence factors among adults in the jilin province in china: a cross-sectional study. lipids health dis. 2014,13(1):122.
20. gu, yulu, yu, yaqin, ai, lizhe, shi, jieping, liu, xiaoli, sun, hui, liu, yawen*. association of the atm gene polymorphisms with papillary thyroid cancer. endocrine. 2014, 45(3):  454-461.
21. xu, hongqin, wang, fan, liu, yawen, yu, yaqin, gelernter, joel, zhang, huiping. sex-biased methylome and transcriptome in human prefrontal cortex.human molecular genetics. 2014,  23(5): 1260-1270.
22. zhao, chunyan, gao, hui, liu, yawen, papoutsi, zoi, jaffrey, sadaf, gustafsson, jan-ake, dahlman-wright, karin. genome-wide mapping of estrogen receptor-beta-binding regions reveals extensive cross-talk with transcription factor activator protein-1.  cancer research, 2010, 70(12): 5174-5183.
23. liu, yawen, gao, hui, marstrand, troels torben,strom, anders, valen, eivind, sandelin, albin, gustafsson, jan-ake, dahlman-wright, karin. the genome landscape of er alpha- and er beta-binding dna regions. proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america. 2008, 105(7): 2604-2609.
24. gao pujun, shi yang, gao yanhang, liu yawen, tan yan. the receptor for beta(2)gp i on membrane of hepatocellular carcinoma cell line smmc-7721 is annexin ii.world j gastroenterol. 2007; 13(24):3364-8.
著作教材: 预防医学       吉林大学出版社   2012 副主编
临床流行病学 高等教育出版社  2013 编者
流行病学基础 复旦大学出版社  2011 编者
流行病学                  协和医科大学出版社 2017                 编者
获奖情况: 雌激素受体erα和erβ调控基因表达的制约机制 省部级 吉林省科学技术奖二等奖 2014z0006
社会兼职: 中国抗癌协会肿瘤流行病学专业委员会第七届 常务委员
吉林省预防医学会卫生应急分会第一届 副主任委员
吉林省预防医学会第六届卫生检验专业委员会 常务委员
吉林省预防医学会免疫规划专业委员会 常务委员
治学格言: 求实创新 励志图强





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