学术论文: |
1. te liu, yiyang jia, liting zhou, qi wang,di sun, jin xu, juan wu ,huaiji chen, feng xu, lin ye*. effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the hypothalamus–uterus in pubertal female rats. int j environ res public health,2016 nov 12;13(11). pii: e1130. 2. yiyang jia, te liu, liting zhou, jian zhu, juan wu , di sun, jin xu, qi wang, huaiji chen, feng xu, yuezhu zhang, tianrong zhang, hongbo liu and lin ye*.effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on lipid metabolism by the jak/stat pathway in rats. int j environ res public health,2016 nov 4;13(11). pii: e1085. 3. liting zhou, dongchun zheng, shuyue wang, jian zhu, yiyang jia, di sun, jin xu, qi wang, huaiji chen, feng xu, bo li, lin ye*.genetic association of toll-like receptor 4 gene and coronary artery disease in a chinese han population. springer plus,2016, 5:1533. 4. ying lu, chunmei lu, tianhang wang, yu han, jianghua ou, xiaoyuan ma, li li, tingting hu, qian yang, lin ye*, xiaoyan yang*. exposure to environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be a cause of breast cancer. int j clin exp med,2016;9(3):6597-6604. 5. liting zhou, lin xie, dongchun zheng, na li, jian zhu, shuyue wang, bo li, lin ye*.genetic variants of cd40 gene are associated with coronary artery disease and blood lipid levels. biomed research international,2016;2016:1693619. doi: 10.1155/2016/1693619. 6. kun guo, rui xiao, xiaoye zhang, chaoguang wang, qiqi liu, zhen rong, lin ye*, suhong chen*. silver nanopartical over aufon substrate for enhanced raman readout and their application in pesticide monitoring. molecules,2015,20(4),6299-6309; doi:10.3390/ molecules 20046299. 7. li n, liu k, yuan h, zhu j, yu g, xie j, fu s, guo k, ye lin∗. the effect of mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on apoptosis of rat ovarian granulosa cells in vitro. environ toxicol pharmacol. 2015 jan 20;39(2):643-650. 8. liu te, li na, zhu jian, yu guangyan, guo kun, zhou liting, zheng dongchun, qu xiaofeng, huang jian, chen xin, wang shuyue, ye lin∗ effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis in adult female rats. reproductive toxicology, 2014 jul;46:141-147. 9. yuan haitao, zhao j, guo j, wu r, he l, cui y, feng m, zhang t, hou m, guo q, zhang l, jia l, huang c, ye l∗, peng shuangqing∗. comparison of freely-moving telemetry chinese miniature experiment pigs (cmeps) to beagle dogs in cardiovascular safety pharmacology studies. j pharmacol toxicol methods, 2014 apr 8;70(1):19-28. 10. zhou lt, qin l, zheng dc, song zk, ye l*. meta-analysis of genetic association of chromosome 9p21 with early-onset coronary artery disease. gene. 2012 dec 1;510(2):185-188. 11. li n, liu t, zhou lt, he j, ye l*. di-(2-ethylhcxyl) phthalate reduces progesterone levels and induces apoptosis of ovarian granulosa cell in adult female icr mice. environ toxicol pharmacol. 2012 nov;34(3):869-875. 12. wu n, zhang x, jin s, liu s, ju g, wang z, liu l, ye l*, wei j. a weak association of the cldn5 locus with schizophrenia in chinese case-control samples. psychiatry res. 2010 jun 30;178(1):223. 13. xie l, ye l*, ju g, xu q, zhang x, liu s, shi j, yu y, wang z, shen y, wei j. a family- and population-based study of the ufd1l gene for schizophrenia. am j med genet b neuropsychiatr genet. 2008 oct 5;147b(7):1076-1079. 14. ye l, sun z, xie l, liu s, ju g, shi j, yu y, zhang x, wei j, xu q, shen y. further study of a genetic association between the cldn5 locus and schizophrenia. schizophr res. 2005 jun 1;75(1):139-141. 15. guan s, zhang x, xu q, ye l, jin s, wang z, wei j. lack of genetic association of the hla-dqa1*0501 variant with schizophrenia in a chinese population. psychiatry res. 2013,208(1):97-98. 16. qin l, sun l, ye l, shi j, zhou l, yang j, du b, song z, yu y, xie l. a case-control study between the gene polymorphisms of polyunsaturated fatty acids metabolic rate-limiting enzymes and coronary artery disease in a chinese han population. prostaglandins leukot essent fatty acids. 2011 dec;85(6):329-333. 17. wang j, sun s, zhang l, wang z, ye l, liu l, wu n, li h, zhang x, wu j. further study of genetic association between the tnxb locus and schizophrenia. psychiatr genet. 2011 aug;21(4):216. |